Wednesday, May 16, 2012

     Cookies, Milk and a Bedtime Story; OR Confessions of a Health Coach

Three weeks ago my husband and I spent the weekend at a B&B in MilfordPa.
We love traveling, meeting new people, seeing unique places and eating in great restaurants.
I know that as a Health Coach, people have the perception that I maintain a perfect diet, but this is not always the case. 
At this B&B milk, cookies and a bedtime story were included with the turn down service.
Sweet!  Short bread cookies dipped in dark chocolate and tea; I ate and enjoyed. It was decadent, delicious and there was no guilt. 
Before we left on Sunday, we bought a big loaf of whole grain artisan bread for my husband to freeze and enjoy at home. By Monday most of that fragrant, dense and delicious bread was gone, too.
Now, here is the clincher, just before I left work Monday night, I decided I was having pizza and garlic rolls for dinner. This is a blog post, not a book, so I can’t tell you all the reasons for this decision, but I can tell you I enjoyed that meal.  Imagine the yummy garlic rolls dripping in fragrant olive oil, covered with chunks of fresh garlic accompanied by piping hot Brooklyn pie topped with fresh mozzarella and basil leaves. It was mouth watering and delicious as I had expected.
Two hours later I hit the wall. I was bloated, restless, miserable and I suddenly remembered WHY I eat the way I do.  I eat the way I do because it makes me feel great. I appreciate the positive shift in energy a good meal provides and I don’t miss the bloating, gas, lack of energy and the other unappealing symptoms associated with those meals. 
To be honest there are foods that I desire from time to time, usually I remember the WHY long before the food gets on the fork.  For example, when I was a kid I loved cheese cake.  I would never eat cheese cake now, it quite literally makes me sick, but with some foods it's just not that obvious.
I am happily back to my ‘geeky’ self.  Last night I  made kale chips  and could not wait for them to come out of the dehydrator this morning.  I love crafting great salads and in some circles I am known as the ‘Salad Queen.’  I consider that a huge complement.
I enjoyed this slight  detour from my normal routine. It was a helpful reminder about how badly I felt before I changed my diet. 
I am back to enjoying kale chips, raw nuts, crazy salads,  green juice and feeling the vital force associated with those foods.  I feel lighter, satisfied and energized and I won’t be dreaming of pizza and garlic knots anytime soon!
Now if I could just get back on the treadmill……………

1 comment:

  1. Healthy Living plans are designed by Previlean’s nutrition staff with a variety of healthy, delicious recipes, an abundance of whole grains to help you feel full.

    Healthy Living
