Saturday, January 28, 2012

Set Your Intention and Go!

The universe works in mysterious ways.......well not really!  The universe is really within us all and if you set your intention, or set your goal, I know for sure you can meet any challenge.

This past week I had the honor of presenting a wellness  lecture to a women's group within a large corporation.
I have been setting my intentions over the last two years, taking any speaking opportunity that came my way.  But late last fall I went shopping to buy an appropriate outfit for an event that I did not have yet.  In my mind, I was very clear about the event and how I wanted to look.  I told the saleswoman what I wanted and what it was for.  She asked me the date of the event and some other details.  I told her I did not know that yet, but I need to be prepared because I knew it was coming!
I am sure she thought I was a bit crazy and it even sounds funny to me as I write these words, but I truly believed in my goal.  I had a plan, a message and knew the group of people I wanted to work with and inspire.
Sure enough, a few weeks after I bought the outfit, a friend of mine contacted me to see if I was interested  in speaking to a group she belongs to at work.
It took about four to six weeks before everything was set in stone, but in my mind I was doing it and started preparing for the event.
As I said, the event was this past week.  From the initial feedback it was a success and I know that if I never believed in myself, if I never wanted to do this, if I never wrote it down on paper and on my white board, it never would have happened.
Don't be afraid to move out of your comfort zone to get what you want.  If you want something badly enough, get busy and make it happen. I am no different from anyone reading this blog.  Just make up your mind, find out what is really motivating you, set your intentions, do something everyday that moves you in the direction of reaching that goal and finally, never,ever give up.  
If you want something, you need to take action to make it happen and you will be surprised at how amazing you feel when you reach your goals.  Don't just believe me, try it for your self and let me know what happens.
To your good health, 

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