Friday, July 29, 2011

SELF CARE, What Is It and Why Is It So Important?


Are online, on the phone or on your I Pad ALL THE TIME?  Is it time to unplug and relax?  Do you  remember what the word relax means?  Well if you answered yes to the first two questions and No to the last you should definitely read the rest of this blog before it is too late.
As we all know there is such a thing as too much.  We are bathed in too much, too much work, too many phone calls, too many e mails, too much time on Facebook, etc.  Elevated stress raises your cortisol levels and leaves your body stuck in the 'flight' position of the famous 'fight and flight.'  This contributes to weight gain and lots of other nasty things that cause us to feel bad.  Now I ask you do you want to feel bad or feel FANTASTIC?
If you answered fantastic you need to learn about self care.
Schedule time in your week on a regular basis to relax and unwind and you will  be more productive during the work hours and less stressed. Sound good so far?


First of all GOOD SLEEP is key.  Keep your room as dark as possible, TV OFF, and keep the room as cool/cold as possible.  Aim for 6 to 8 hours of good sleep.

Remember to MOVE your body 6 days a week.  Walk, run, row, yoga, Pilate's, rebounding, bicycling or anything you like, but do it and do it now.  YOUR FUTURE depends on what you do TODAY.
Schedule time to just hang out, read a book, go for a peaceful walk, observe nature or do some restorative meditation.  If you don't know how to meditate, contact me and I can lead you in the right direction.  There are many choices, something for everyone and meditation is good for your mind and body. Two for the price of one! I like that.,Then to treat yourself extra special step it up a notch by taking a relaxing bath. Use Epsom salts, baking soda and some lavender drops, light some lavender scented candles and presto, it's a spa at home...........You won't want to come out of the tub, but when you do wrap yourself loosely in a big towel or gown and go put you feet up and continue the relaxing state  you have created.
Be creative, see what you can come up with.  Take some time this weekend to pamper yourself, you deserve it.

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