Thursday, June 2, 2011

Choose Your Path

I grew up in a family with illness abound.  From the time that I was very young, I can remember my father asking me if I would take care of him when he was old and gray.  My answer was always the same, "Dad you are  old and gray!"  It became a game between us.
Sadly the foreshadowing was set and I was part of a huge team that took care of him in his later years.
The illness in the family did not stop with my Dad,
heart disease, diabetes and cancer was on both sides of my family tree and these diseases did not prefer one gender over the other.
Fortunately for me,  I learned early that our bodies have an amazing propensity to heal given the right environment.
I think everyone can think of three of four things to do that would enhance your life in the wellness department.  You don't really need a list from me.  It is NOT that people don't realize that we have some issues like weight gain that need to be addressed,  it is the process of change can be daunting.  The goal can seem as distant as Mt. Everest.
So here is the thing I would like to share, the other day I went for a long bike ride and I don't ride regularly.  I was in Florida and it was hot and sunny and I had to cross a bridge.  Every time I looked at the highest part of the bridge I began to doubt that I could make the climb, so I just looked 10 to 20 feet ahead.  I could and did make it that far and then glanced ahead the next little bit.  I think you might see where I am going with this, no pun intended, but I made it up and over the bridge and another smaller bridge as well.  It was just mind over matter.
Pick a simple goal to accomplish this week.  Plan a small milestone for each day and make sure you write it down. Then you can set a goal that is bigger and bigger using the same method.  Soon you will see that you can do anything if you set your goals in this way.
Don't delay, make a plan and start today, your best insurance for a great future is being mindful with your lifestyle choices today.


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