While I like to think I am living in the moment, I also like to take some time to plan for the future.
2013 has been a great year for me and I plan on 2014 being even better! What plans have you made? What is working and what is not working well for you?
Wanting your life to be different in some way and making the changes necessary for that to occur are often two different things. We frequently end up doing the same thing and expecting a different result, and endless cycle.
One way I like to encourage change is to use visualization. Imagine with every thread of your being what you want for yourself in the future. What is it you really want, how will it feel when you have it, how will you know you have achieved that goal. I love the white board for visualization but anything that works for you is great, even a note pad to journal about your goal. Try to associate your goal with all five of your senses so you know what it will look, feel, smell, taste and sound like. Make it as real as possible in your mind and review it daily and imagine being in that place.
The last thing you need to do during this beginning planning stage is to create a time for this goal to be reached. Keep that in mind so that your goal is something realistic and attainable.
Looking back on 2013 can be a great learning experience and a fantastic way to create goals for 2014.
What do you want to do next year? Now is the time to imagine what you want so that next year is even better than this year.
Tips to get clear on your goal:
1. White board - have this where you can see it every day
2. journaling - every night or every morning
3. mind mapping - there is an app for that!
4. use pictures from magazines or the internet to create a picture of your goal
5. take a specific amount of time every day to review and refine the goal and plan of action
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