Sunday, January 19, 2014

Healing Foods

What are the healing foods?  People always ask me, "What should I eat?"
There is no blanket answer for everyone, we are all different and so we have to eat according to what works for us.  There are however some good general rules.

1. Drink lots of pure water.
2. Eat lots of vegetables raw or cooked.
3. Dairy needs to go.
4. Animal protein is good!  BUT, the source of the protein is important, factory farmed animal meat is not on the list.  Buy locally produced, responsibly raised meats and eat them less frequently.
5. Fruit in season and go for the low glycemic fruit as often as possible.
6. Refined sugar and flour is out.
7. Naturally fermented food should be consumed daily. Probiotic capsules can be used as well.

These are some general guidelines, a good place to start. But from this list I want to briefly discuss what kind of meat to eat if you are not a vegan or vegetarian.

If you don't know what factory farming is all about, please do some research on this subject.  In a nutshell in the US we raise chicken, cattle and pigs in conditions that are dirty and inhumane.  Even the workers in these facilities are often underpaid and poorly treated.  I understand about people who are vegans or vegetarians and support you following these dietary decisions.  But for those of us who want to eat meat occasionally or even daily,  I believe it is important not to support factory farmed animals. Factory farming is also called CAFO or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, the name itself is telling.

I never tell people what to eat, it is up to every individual to figure out what works for them. This is why I encourage you to try a one or two week elimination diet* and then add foods in one at a time to see how you feel with each addition.  But when it comes to chicken, veal, pork and beef, please be mindful of what happened to that animal before it ended up on your plate.

* Elimination diet * Look at Dr. Mark Hyman  for more information, he has books,  a  website and a blog.

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